A tool that is available to everyone for free is Google Search Console . Here you can download backlinks under “Search analysis” > “Links to your website”: Google Search Console links to your website In Google Search Console you can find some of the links that link to your website. I recommend that you download this table under all website variations - for example both the “www” version and without the “www”. Since Google sees the two variants in Search Console as independent domains, there is a chance of identifying even more links.
Summarize & clean data The next step is to combine all the data from Special Data the different lists. I recommend that you take a closer look at the S-reference or Power Query . To explain this in detail would go too far at this point. As soon as you have a list with all the links, you need to put this list in order. The first thing you should do is drag the domain into an additional column for each URL. You can do this, for example, with the help of the SEO Tools for Excel and the UrlProperty formula. As a value, simply select the column in which the linking URL can be found.

By specifying “host” the subdomain will be displayed. You can then simply drag the formula down in Excel and voilà: you now have the corresponding domain or subdomain for each link: Get Excel domain from urls Using the formula UrlProperty(“column-of-source-URL”;“host”) you get the domain of the linking URLs. In the next step, I replace “www.” with nothing in the Source URL column: remove duplicates linkaudit This intermediate step prepares the next step, which makes work much easier: Now we remove all duplicates that have the same domain, the same link text and the same link target.