Microbloggers, like top opinion leaders, are (although to a lesser extent) an authority for their recipients, who willingly identify with them and use their opinions. Microbloggers can engage their target and persuade them to take action. The condition for successful identification is, of course, the appropriate selection of micro-influencers for the campaign, so that their recipients are interested in the promoted product. Recipients. Cooperation with properly identified micro-influencers is based on the development of a niche that remains beyond the reach of activities on large targets.
If the company manages to engage members of such a community Phone Number List using microbloggers and focus their attention on brand-related content, they will gain additional reach. Taking into account SEO activities, cooperation with microbloggers helps diversify the sources of obtaining links. While whisperers allow you to obtain links to your domain mainly anonymously and from Internet forums, microbloggers create their entries and link them openly and reach a selected group of recipients.
By establishing cooperation with microinfluencers in an appropriate contract, we do not risk that the link will be removed from the website, as is often the case when purchasing sponsored articles. Microbloggers in the service of link building, i.e. non-obvious added SEO value Unlike opinion leaders, who each time placing a link in the text involves negotiations and an increase in publication costs, microbloggers offer numerous opportunities to obtain thematic links to the domain of interest at relatively low acquisition costs.